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Young Patron Event- Benjamin Denison- The Folly of Foreign Regime Change
About this event
Benjamin Denison
Non-Resident Fellow, Defense Priorities
The Folly of Foreign Regime Change
Young Patron Event
April 28, 2022
7:00- 8:30pm
Address to be provided to Young Patron Members in their email
Please note that this lecture will only be in person
Benjamin Denison is a non-resident fellow with Defense Priorities, a think tank that “promotes a realistic grand strategy of restraint.” His expertise includes international security, military occupation, armed intervention, and regime change. Previously Dr. Denison served as assistant director of the Notre Dame International Security Center and held research positions at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Dartmouth's Dickey Center for International Understanding. His work has been published by the Modern War Institute at West Point, The Cato Institute, Survival (the bi-monthly from the International Institute for Strategic Studies), The Washington Post, The National Interest, and War on the Rocks, among others. He tweets @DenisonBe and @DefPriorities.
All lecture attendees must be fully vaccinated and must provide proof of such at check-in, along with a valid form of ID. We will require all to wear masks and will arrange seating to provide social distancing to the greatest extent possible. We will assess and adjust our procedures related to the COVID pandemic as the situation evolves.
The New York City Bar Association
42 West 44th Street, New York City
& Zoom
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