Dr. Benn Steil
Senior fellow and Director of International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. He is the lead writer of the Council’s Geo-Graphics economics blog, and the creator of nine web-based interactives tracking Global Monetary Policy, Global Inflation, Global Imbalances, Global Growth, Global Trade, Global Energy, Sovereign Risk, China’s Belt and Road, and Central Bank Currency Swaps.
In person ONLY
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
6:30- 8:00pm
Library at The Cosmopolitan Club
122 East 66th Street, New York, NY 10065
About the Topic
The World That Wasn’t: Henry Wallace and the Fate of the American Century is a newly published book vital for today - as it shows how history can unfold radically differently when seemingly small events bring one person rather than another to power. Based on striking new research finds from Russian, FBI, and other archives, author Benn Steil reveals how postwar history would have been far more Soviet-friendly had Vice President Henry Wallace not been replaced by Harry Truman in 1944.
About the Speaker
Benn Steil is Senior Fellow and Director of International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations. He is the lead writer of the Council’s Geo-Graphics economics blog, and creator of nine web-based interactives tracking Global Monetary Policy, Global Inflation, Global Imbalances, Global Growth, Global Trade, Global Energy, Sovereign Risk, China’s Belt and Road, and Central Bank Currency Swaps. He is the author, most recently, of The World That Wasn’t: Henry Wallace and the Fate of the American Century (2024), which has appeared in Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Financial Times “best books of 2024” lists; The Marshall Plan: Dawn of the Cold War (2018), a New-York Historical Society and American Academy of Diplomacy book of the year; and The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order (2013). He writes a monthly column for Barron’s.
Dress Code Requirements
Appropriate dress is required in the public rooms of the Clubhouse: Attire for men is a coat (suit, sport coat or blazer) with a collared or turtleneck shirt, appropriate slacks and dress shoes.
Women should also be appropriately attired in the Clubhouse: tailored pants, suits, dresses and non-sneaker type shoes.